Initial Formation
Doubly qualified as Associate Professor by the Conseil National des Universités (CNU) [French National Council of Universities]: Section 9 (French Language and Literature) and Section 18 (Performing Arts)
Ph.D. in 18th-century French Literature, Summa Cum Laude (unanimous panel decision), Montpellier III Paul-Valéry University, 2000: Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon et la Tragédie « à l’antique » : stratégies et enjeux de la représentation [Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon and the Ancient Tragic Form: Strategies and Challenges of Representation] (1362 p.); Jury chaired by Prof. Fr. Moureau, Paris IV Sorbonne University, and also composed of Profs. M. Weil (thesis director), J.-N. Pascal, G. Lieber and S. Corsini, Curator of the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne (BCU)
Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées (D.E.S.S.) [Professional Postgraduate Degree after Master’s] in Applied Physical Methods in Archaeology and Museography (dir. Prof. M. Schvoerer), Cum Laude, Bordeaux III Michel-de-Montaigne University (CRIAA: International Research Centre in Analytical Archaeology), 1994: Enduits antiques d’étanchéité : aqueduc de Nîmes, mines grecques du Laurion [Antique Impermeability Coating: the Aqueduct of Nîmes, Greek Mines of Laurion]
Agrégation in Modern Literature (ranking: 13th), 1991
Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (D.E.A.) [5th year University Degree] in Ancient History and Civilisations (Greek Studies) (dir. † Prof. A. Moreau), Cum Laude, Montpellier III Paul-Valéry University, 1987: Scènes de nécromancie dans la littérature gréco-latine [Necromancy Scenes in Greek and Latin Literature]
CAPES (Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat d’Enseignement Secondaire) in Modern Literature [National Competitive Teaching Certificate in Secondary Schools], 1986
Maîtrise [Master’s] in Modern Literature (dir. † Prof. A. Moreau), Cum Laude, Montpellier III Paul-Valéry University, 1985 : Katabasis eis Aidou. La Représentation de l’Au-delà dans la littérature et les croyances de la Grèce ancienne
Professorat d’Enseignement Général des Collèges (P.E.G.C.) [Secondary School Teacher Diploma] in History and Geography, 1984
Other Qualifications
Theatre: Acting, Rhetoric and Body Language during the Baroque and Classical Period; Japanese Theatre (Practical Trainings)
Initiation and Improvement of Drama and Court Dances (17th and 18th Centuries)
– Paris, January 1996 (three days: dramatic dance in Quinault’s and Lully’s Alceste); teacher: C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
– Venice, December 1995 (twelve days); teacher C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
– Aix-en-Provence, September 1995 (eight days); teacher: C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
– Bagnols-sur-Cèze, May 1995 (three days); teacher: V. Élouard, “Talon Pointe” Company, Grenoble
Initiation and Improvement of Feuillet’s Dance Notation
– Paris, November 1997 (two days: studies of Feuillet’s Traité de la cadence and of Rameau’s Maître à danser), teacher: C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
– Paris, December 1995 (three days, theatrical space transcription in dance notation scores); teacher: C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
– Paris, November 1995 (two days: choregraphic score sight-reading); teacher C. Gracio-Moura, Érik-Satie Conservatory, Paris
Acting, Rhetoric and Baroque Eloquence of Drama
– Paris, April 1999 (two days: baroque diction applied to the La Fontaine’s Fables); teacher: Chr. Bayle, "L’Éclat des Muses" Company, Paris
– Paris, March 1996 (three days: contra dances); teacher: Chr. Bayle, "L’Éclat des Muses" Company, Paris
Initation to Butoh Dance
– Avignon, February 2006 (six days); master class under the direction of C. Ikeda, "Ariadone" Company
– Avignon, February 2006 (six days); master class under the direction of Master K. Murobushi, "Ko&Edge Co" Company
– Avignon, February 2005 (five days); master class under the direction of S. Koseki
Initiation to Nô and Kabuki Theatre
– Lyons, March 2008 (fifteen days); master class under the direction of Master S. Daïmon, Association "Daïmon Espace"
History of Books and Printing in the 18th Century (Theoretical and Practical Trainings)
Training on Physical Bibliography (Printing and Book Trade in the 18th Century)
– Lyons (Institut d'Histoire du Livre, IHL), September 2010 (four days: Introduction to Physical Bibliography, refresher training for specialists in book history, printing and graphic communication); conducted by D. Varry, Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB), as part of the joint seminar of the Institut d’Histoire du Livre/Musée de l’imprimerie of Lyons and the Rare Book School of the University of Virginia (USA)
– Montpellier, Paul-Valéry University (Centre for 18th-century Studies (CEDIM) – UMR 5050), 1994-2000; training combined with the thesis years, conducted by Cl. Fortuny, research engineer at the CNRS, graduate from École Nationale Supérieure des Bibliothèques (ENSB) and specialist in book history
Training on the Digital Library
– Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre, CCL), June 2012 (1 day : E-corpus: Importation of Files and Book Data with Excel); training for archive, museum and library staff, conducted by S. Ipert, Director of the CCL
– Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre, CCL), April 2011 (1 day: Introduction to the Database); training for archive, museum and library staff, conducted by S. Ipert, Director of the CCL
Refresher Training
- Lyons (Institut d’Histoire du Livre, IHL), July 2016 (4 days : The Didots and Modern Typography : Precursors, Imitators, Heirs), seminar for specialists in book history, printing and graphic communication); course led by S. Morlighem, Professor at the École supérieure d’art et de design of Amiens
- Paris (École nationale des chartes, Archives nationales), March 2015 (3 days : Identification of Bookbindings, Common, Elaborate, and with Gilded Ornamentation, from Middle Age to the 18th Century), seminar for specialists in book history; led by F. Le Bars, curator at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Department of Rare Books)
- Paris (École nationale des chartes, Archives nationales), October 2014 (2 days : Typography : History, Uses, Issues), seminar for specialists in book history; led by M. Smith, Professor at the École nationale des chartes
- Paris (École nationale des chartes, Archives nationales), May 2014 (3 days : Heraldry: Coats of Arms and Seals), seminar for specialists in book history; led by Ch. Denoël, curator at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Department of Mediaeval Manuscripts)
- Paris (École nationale des chartes), April 2013 (3 days: Conserving Paper Documents: Identification and Preservation), seminar for library and archive curators, as well as specialists in old books and documents; led by É. Parinet, Professor at the École nationale des chartes
– Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre, CCL), November 2012 (1 day: e-Resources in the Service of Knowledge on Ancient Books); training for library curators conducted by R. Mouren, Associate Professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques (ENSSIB)
– Lyons (Institut d'Histoire du Livre, IHL), October 2012 (1 day: Preservation Issues, Study and Promotion of the Typographical Heritage); study day organised by the Institut d’Histoire du Livre/Musée de l’imprimerie of Lyons, during the annual congress of the Association of the European Printing Museum (AEPM)
– Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre, CCL), October 2012 (5 days: Oriental Books: The Shaping of the Page, The Scribe and The Illuminator at Work, The Making of Oriental Bookbindings and their Conservation), seminar for curators and European specialists of Antique books); scientific co-ordination by S. Ipert, Director of the CCL and M. Maniaci, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale, as part of the cultural programmes of the European Science Foundation
– Lyons (Institut d'Histoire du Livre, IHL), June 2012 (4 days: French Bookbindings with Gilded Ornamentation (1507-1967): Famous Workshop and Famous Amateurs), seminar for specialists in book history, printing and graphic communication; course conducted by I. de Conihout, chief curator at the Mazarine Library, Paris, and P. Ract-Madoux, expert booksellers of old books, as part of a joint seminar at the Institut d’Histoire du Livre/Musée de l’imprimerie of Lyons and the Rare Book School of the University of Virginia (U.S.A.)
Archaeology (Theoretical and Practical Trainings)
– Lancieux, February 2000 (five days: Initiation to Textile Archaeology: Textile Dying Technique, from Pre- and Early History to Roman Era); conducted by M.-P. Puybaret, CNRS - Rennes I University
– Tautavel, August 1994 (eight days: Prehistory in Catalonia: Methods and Results); summer university conducted by H. de Lumley, Centre Européen de Recherches Préhistoriques, Tauvatel
– Menton and Vallée des Merveilles, August 1993 (8 days; Prehistory of Alpes-Maritimes, between Sea and Mountains. Civilisation and Palaeo-climates); summer university conducted by H. de Lumley, Musée de l’Homme and Musée de Préhistoire, Menton
– Vaison-la-Romaine, April 1992 and April 1993 (five days twice: Archaeology for School Groups), conducted by Ph. Borgard, joint trainership of the Mission d’Action et de Formation des Professeurs de l’Éducation Nationale (MAFPEN) and the General Council of the Vaucluse Department
Management/Administration (Preparation to Degree Tests and Trainings)
Preparation for the Civil Service Admission Examinations (legal tests, category A), Montpellier Faculty of Law and Economics, 1983-1984
Camp Counsellor and Manager Certificate, Montpellier, Centre d’Entraînement aux Méthodes d’Éducation Active (CEMEA), 1979-1980
Camp Animator Certificate (specialisation for disabled children), Montpellier, Centre d’Entraînement aux Méthodes d’Éducation Active (CEMEA), 1979
Data Processing/Office Automation (Theoretical and Practical Trainings)
– Nîmes, 1993-2000 (several training and refresher training sessions: data processing/office automation and NTIC); conducted by Phonem (Training and Communication for Companies)
– Nîmes, 1992 (fifty hours: computer/office automation); courses given by the Popular University
– Montpellier, 1985 (fifty hours: typing); courses conducted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Other Fields (Summer Schools)
– Saint-Thégonnec, July 1995 (fifteen days: Individual Memory and Collective Memory: Educational and Social Uses of the Past); summer school conducted by the University of Bretagne Occidentale (Brest)
– Toronto, July 1992 (one month: Seminar on Canadian Studies for European Teachers); international summer school conducted by the Delegation of the Province of Ontario